What is TON and NPI in SMPP?

TON stands for Type of Number. TON specifies whether the number is a full International Number (i.e. needs the + prefix), or a Country Code Number, or an alphanumeric sender (i.e. includes up to 11 characters of alphanumeric sender id, quite useful for branding/advertising). NPI stands for Numbering Plan Indicator. NPI specifies which type of […]

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What is SMPP Server?

Unlike SMPP Client, you act as an SMSC to your clients. Your customers will connect via SMPP to send SMS as ESME and you act as SMSC to receive and process SMS deliveries.

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What is SMPP Client?

Let us not confuse you with huge technical terms. In simple terms, it’s the protocol to connect with operators and aggregators who provide SMPP connectivity. You act as an ESME and connect to an SMSC to deliver SMS.

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