Domain Record Mismatch Resolution

Resellers encountering a domain record mismatch error must ensure they are logged in using the domain to which their reseller account is pointed. This means accessing the system through the specific domain that is correctly associated with their reseller account in order to effectively troubleshoot and resolve the error.

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How to Export and Download Server Certificates from Google Chrome

To get the full chain (Root, CA, Server) in .cer format, you will need to download each certificate separately and then combine them if necessary. Here’s how you can get each certificate: Step 1: Get the Server Certificate Step 2: Get the Intermediate CA Certificate Step 3: Get the Root Certificate Step 4: Combine Certificates […]

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Troubleshooting Mail Issues with No Domain for Some Users

Since this is a white label program, a reseller must have domain name set up in his account. Failing which the E-MAIL Alerts such as Reset Password. Registration Mail for New Users. Forgot Password. Sender Name Approval/Rejection Alerts and so on, will be delivered without domain link. Troubleshooting If reseller does not have any domain […]

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