You can use the following code and change the default values Phone File Sample You can save the file, txt_sample_mobile.txt, as follows;
Does SMS API Support Unicode (Regional) SMS?
Yes, we allow Unicode / Regional language SMS on SMPP, UI and SMS API. You will have to pass the parameter and value as type=unicode to deliver unicode SMS to the recipients. Your customers and resellers can deliver SMS in any language.
What are the Default APIs Available with SMPP Center Software?
We have provided most of the features over HTTP REST API so that your users/resellers can create a custom website using the available API. The following are the list of available default APIs with SMPP Center Software. Info API Response Error Code ListDelivery Error Code ListGet SMS Length / Cost Reports MIS by Transaction IDGet […]
Is there an API to Calculate Length and Cost of SMS Message?
Yes, we do provide an HTTP REST SMS API to Calculate Length and Cost of SMS Message. Sample HTTP API for Length/Cost Calculation http://localhost/smpp/SMSApi/info/msg?userid=testUser&password=xxxxx&msg=Hello+World&output=json
Do you Provide Standard Delivery Error Codes?
Yes, we actually provide Standard Delivery Error Codes. Your users can use HTTP API to get all Standard Delivery Error Codes to integrate into their system. Sample HTTP API for Delivery Error Codes http://localhost/smpp/SMSApi/info/deliverycodes?userid=testUser&password=xxxxx&output=json
Do you Provide Standard API Error Codes?
Yes, we actually provide this. Your users can use HTTP API to get all API Error Codes to integrate in their system. Sample HTTP API for API Error Codes http://localhost/smpp/SMSApi/info/responsecodes?userid=testUser&password=xxxxx&output=json
Does your Application Come with SMS API Sample Codes?
Yes, the application comes with Sample Code of Java and PHP. It is available for both resellers and Customers on their user interface. Just go to Sidebar -> SMS API -> Sample Codes We can also add additional sample code on custom basis.
Types of Bulk SMS Allowed on SMS API
We support the similar types of Bulk SMS on SMS API also which we allow it on User Interface. You can visit for the Types of SMS Sent on Reseller/User UI. You will have to pass the parameter for respective SMS types such as, For Quick SMS: Use sendMethod as quick For Group SMS: Use […]
What kind of Authentication is Used in SMS API?
We have given 2 options to authenticate your login credentials. API Key Username and Password API Key Auth User needs to generate API key before hand. Then while sending SMS requests over HTTP SMS REST API then user needs to include API key in HEADER to authenticate. Username and Password User could use both GET […]